Table Plugin Example

This is the display for a custom coded plugin that reads a csv file, and shows the results in an HTML styled table view on the frontend of the website using a shortcode to tell WP where to display the csv table. There are backend settings to change verything from the background colours, to text padding, to the column widths.

Animal Type Rating
Geecko Reptile 10/10
Dog Mammal 2/10
Cat Mammal 3/10
Spider Bug 7/10
Snake Reptile 8.5/10
Shark Fish 6.9/10
Robin Bird 5/10
Hamster Mammal 9/10
GoldFish Fish 6/10
Squidward N/A 10/10?

Cookie Policy Example

There is no real need for cookies on this website, but this just shows how the theme I coded can have a custom message for cookie usage, or the option to just turn this message off.